Author Profile: Ros Coward

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Radical Change

Issue 345 • July/August 2024 • Ocean Glories > Reviews

Review of Change Everything: How We Can Rethink, Repair and Rebuild society

Birdwatching With The Taliban

Issue 315 • July/August 2019 • Leading the Field > Reviews

Review of The Snow Leopard Project: And Other Adventures in Warzone Conservation

The Wild Frontier

Issue 311 • November/December 2018 • All Is One > Ecologist

Reporting from a controversial ecological project in the Netherlands

Volunteering for a Lesson

Issue 303 • July/August 2017 • The Pilgrim's Path > Ethical Living

Joining a group of conservation workers bring expected rewards

Put a Drag on the Rag Trade

Issue 301 • March/April 2017 • Manifesto for A Green Mind > Ecologist

Applying the same values to fashion as we do to food would have a huge impact

Austerity is Not a Dirty Word

Issue 296 • May/June 2016 • Days of Hope > Ethical Living

Campaigns against spending cuts must not imply a return to unsustainable economic growth

No Licence to Kill

Issue 293 • November/December 2015 • Go With the Flow > Ethical Living

We need to rewild Nature, not manage it

Design for Wild Living

Issue 291 • July/August 2015 • Climate: It is a moral issue > Ethical Living

Town gardens are vital for wildlife

Food For Free

Issue 290 • May/June 2015 • Becoming Barbarian > Ethical Living

Bringing the fashion for foraged food into question

Every Little Helps

Issue 288 • January/February 2015 • Power to the People > Undercurrents

Lifestyle changes can all add up

Life Is A Natural Process with A Natural End

Issue 287 • November/December 2014 • The Future We Want and the One We Can't Afford > Undercurrents

Ecological awareness can help us address the ethical dilemmas facing an ageing population

Light from the Dark Side

Issue 286 • September/October 2014 • Politics of Peace > Undercurrents

Seeing Nature in the raw encourages greater ecological awareness

The Bucket List

Issue 285 • July/August 2014 • Energy of Nations > Undercurrents

People love and long for Nature as a source of meaning and inspiration

The Language of Wolves

Issue 279 • July/August 2013 • The Ecozoic Era > Ecologist

There's more at stake in wolf conservation than the survival of this species


Issue 211 • March/April 2002 • A sense of belonging > Reviews

Review of The Other Side of Eden

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The Resurgence Trust is a company limited by guarantee registered in England and Wales (5821436) and a charity registered in England and Wales (1120414). The Resurgence Trust publishes Resurgence & Ecologist magazine,, and to promote ecological sustainability, social justice and spiritual values.

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