Resurgence Summer Camp 2024


Resurgence Summer Camp

Celebration of connection, community and change

Fri 12 - Sun 14 Jul 2024

Venue: Green & Away, The Fold, Bransford, Worcester, WR6 5JB

"Resurgence Camp is a beautiful weekend of re-connection to oneself, other people and the more-than-human world. Food for the mind, body and spirit. It was everything I'd hoped it would be: inspiring, sociable, thought-provoking, fun, engaging, relaxing, well organised and great food!"

"Wonderful poetry, talks, music, stories, food, cake, bar, showers, weather, wildflower walk, location, solar panels, people, bell tents... inspired!"

Linda Scruton

Resurgence summer camp is an inspiring weekend of inspiring talks, workshops, music, storytelling, craft and delicious food - a weekend that brings the ideas and ethos of Resurgence & Ecologist to life.

We are once again holding the Resurgence summer camp at the glorious Green & Away campsite - described by a previous participant as 'a small corner of paradise'.

This annual gathering is unique and limited to just 140 places. Ticket price includes three meals a day - so you can enjoy delicious vegetarian food cooked on site by the lovely Green & Away volunteers. Green and Away can cater for allergies, vegan and gluten free diets.

Detailed travel information will be sent with confirmation of your booking.




Love First! • Satish Kumar

Satish Kumar

We need to bring love into our daily lives before anything else. Love first, then democracy. Love first, then science. Love first, then Truth. It is only through love of Nature, love of humanity and love of oneself we can be united and help each other and care for our precious planet Earth. Environmental and social movements as well as business and politics need to be underpinned by the practice of love. Love of Nature, love of people and love of oneself are all connected.

Satish Kumar is the Editor Emeritus of Resurgence & Ecologist. A former monk and long-term peace and environment activist, Satish Kumar has been quietly setting the global agenda for change for over 50 years. Inspired in his early 20s by the example of the British peace activist Bertrand Russell, Satish embarked on an 8,000-mile peace pilgrimage. Carrying no money, he walked from India to America, via Moscow, London and Paris, to deliver a humble packet of 'peace tea' to the leaders of the world's then four nuclear powers. In 1973 Satish settled in the UK becoming the editor of Resurgence magazine. He has been the guiding spirit behind a number of now internationally respected ecological and educational ventures. He co-founded Schumacher College in South Devon, where he is a Visiting Fellow. His autobiography, No Destination, first published by Green Books in 1978, has sold over 50,000 copies.

Reflections on a healthy foodscape • Daphne Lambert

Daphne Lambert

A healthy foodscape aligns with nature and cares for the myriad of relationships involved inbringing health giving food to the table.

From the diversity of soil micro-organisms to our own bodies microbes. From the traditional wisdoms of growing, harvesting and seed saving, to the art of preserving food and the joy of sharing; these interwoven relationships are a rich mosaic of traditions and culture, sitting at the heart of a healthy foodscape.

Through the lens of three Greencuisine Trust projects this talk reflects on diverse peoples understanding of 'healthy', their knowledge of the stories behind the food they eat and their thoughts on a healthy foodscape.

Daphne Lambert is an eco-nutritionist, chef and author, who has cooked, studied, taught & written about food all her adult life. She was the chef and co-owner of the first organic restaurant and eco-hotel on the Welsh-Hereford borders for over 30 years. In 2010 she founded Greencuisine Trust. Through inspiring projects, courses, events and consultancy the Trust highlights the connections between food and health.

The Leadership able to bring about a 'Just Transition' • Dr Gail Bradbrook

Dr Gail Bradbrook

Dr Gail Bradbrook has been researching, planning, and training for mass civil disobedience since 2010 and is a co-founder of the social movement Extinction Rebellion (XR), which has spread internationally since its launch in October 2018: there are more than 1150 XR groups in 75 countries. Gail has been arrested several times for acts of civil disobedience, and for these actions she has been found guilty and shouldered various punishments. She has trained in molecular biophysics, and her talk on the science of the ecological crisis, the psychology of active participation, and the need for civil disobedience has gone viral and been inspired many to join XR. She is from Yorkshire, the mother of two boys, the daughter of a coal miner, and was named by GQ as one of the top 50 influencers in the UK, and honoured in a Women's Hour Power list for her part in instigating a rebellion against the British Government. She is currently working on a major new global programme of work called XR Being the Change.

Gail will speak to 'The Leadership able to bring about a 'Just Transition' - how we join our global family to unplug the death machine. Following a Pan Afrikan led delegation to the Alliance of Sahel states that she participated in, Gail will talk about the decolonial struggles there and the relevance to climate movements in the global north. Follow up discussions will centre on what is in the way of north to south solidarity and what can we do about that.

Photo: Martin Lever

Guy Hayward

Guy Hayward

Dr Guy Hayward is the Director of the British Pilgrimage Trust, which he co-founded in 2014 to promote the practice of 'bring your own beliefs' pilgrimage in Britain. He has been leading guided pilgrimages since 2016 and has been interviewed about modern pilgrimage for Netflix, BBC2's 'Pilgrimage' TV series and Channel 4's 'Britain's Ancient Tracks', contributes to Radio 4 and writes for the national media. Guy completed a PhD at Cambridge on how singing forms community, co-founded the Choral Evensong Trust with Rupert Sheldrake to promote Britain's sacred choral tradition, and is half of comedy singing double act Bounder & Cad.

Walking The Feminine Path into the Earth's wisdom • Heather Pearson in conversation with Susan Clark

Heather Pearson

From poetry to philosophy, Heather Pearson is a writer weaving words of hope for a better world. Adopting a spiritual and eco-feminist lens, Heather encourages you to walk 'The Feminine Path' - a journey to restore a soulful and wise connection to the Earth. Heather will also share her poetry, a gentle yet powerful proclamation of our roots in nature.

Heather Pearson is a writer and poet based in Brighton. Following her poetry collection, Woman of Nature, Heather is working on her first non-fiction book, The Feminine Path: Returning Home to the Wisdom of the Earth.

Music and Storytelling

Kiki Gilmore

Kiki Gilmore

Kiki Gilmore is a singer-songwriter known for her moving and soulful folk music. Shared straight from the heart, her poetic songs impart her deep reverence for the human experience and the natural world to which we all belong.

Crafting her songs with honesty and feeling, this powerful wordsmith offers something truly raw and memorable. With her authentic yet ethereal voice Kiki calls us to reclaim a life lived in harmony with the earth that sustains us, stirring our collective remembering of ourselves as Nature.

Stories for 'Interesting Times' • Anthony Nanson

Anthony Nanson

We live in 'interesting times'. We might prefer otherwise, but here we are. How can stories help? Let's take a tour of some other times and places in search of stories that inspire hope - and not only hope but the thing that makes hope possible: kindness.

Anthony Nanson has told stories in many interesting places since he founded Bath Storytelling Circle in a skittles alley in 1999. His work as storyteller and writer is informed by a love of nature, concern about environmental crisis, and interest in the interplay between ecology and spirituality. His books include award-winning Storytelling and Ecology, Words of Re-enchantment, and Gloucestershire Folk Tales, the prehistoric time travel romance Deep Time, and (as co-editor) Storytelling for Nature Connection. Anthony is also the publisher of the ecobardic small press Awen and has a PhD in ecological storytelling and storywriting.

Seize The Day

Seize the Day

Drawing on traditional roots from Britain and beyond, making music for our common future. Seize The Day are an English acoustic band in the radical folk tradition, but drawing on global musical roots. They write songs to celebrate, inspire and support the liberation of life. Whatever needs to change or be defended in this world, Seize The Day sing to make you laugh about it, cry about it, dance about it - maybe even inspire you to believe that you can DO something about it! Seize The Day came out of Britain's Road Protest Movement in 1996, when Theo and Shannon began playing together at the site of the Newbury Bypass. They play at major British festivals, (Glastonbury, Beautiful Days, etc), and a host of smaller ones. You're just as likely to meet them at your nearest frontline protest, whether it's against fracking, or nuclear weapons, or fossil fuels. Seize The Day have toured American towns and cities, Indian farming villages, and visited Ireland, Palestine and the big WTO protests in Prague and Seattle. Nowadays they don't like to fly because of the CO2 emissions of air-travel.

Seize the Day at YouTube

Meditation and Movement

Resurgence Earth Festival and Ceremony: Georgie Gilmore

Resurgence Earth Festival

Embark on a journey of Nature connection, guided meditation, reflective writing and Earth-inspired music that will deepen your relationship with Nature, with yourself and with yourself as a part of Nature. Open to a profound sense of interconnectedness with all that is and come home to your belonging to the Earth.

This Earth festival will be facilitated by Georgie Gilmore with songs woven in throughout by Chiara Gilmore, known for her moving and soulful folk music. Chiara's poetic songs impart her deep love for music and Nature, calling us to reclaim a life lived in harmony with the Earth and stirring our collective remembering of ourselves as Nature.

Slow Yoga and Walking Meditation Colette Stein • Colette Stein

Colette Stein

Colette will be running two sessions during the camp: Gentle Wake-up Stretch - slow yoga and breathing to ease us into the day, and Waterside meditation - tuning in to the elements. A walking meditation to the upper reservoir, a peaceful space to breathe and be absorbed by nature.

Colette is a Senior Yoga Teacher with Yoga Alliance Professionals. This accreditation demonstrates excellent standards as set by Yoga Alliance Professionals. She has 17 year's experience teaching yoga under the tutelage of Sheila Baker. The yoga Colette teaches is inspired by Sheila and introduces the teachings of Thich Nhat Hanh. Colette has taught yoga at corporations, ran regular workshops and retreats, and encourages meditation as part of everyday life.


Inner Joy • Sam Jones

Sam Jones

Sam Jones is a trained chi gung facilitator, breathwork practitioner, certified hypnotherapist and therapeutic coach. She teaches tools for nervous system regulation. She currently works for the Optimum Health Clinic in London, supporting people on their recovery journeys from burnout, anxiety and trauma.

Natural pigment making • Yasmin Dahnoun

Yasmin Dahnoun

Join Yasmin for an immersive and hands-on natural pigment making workshop, where you'll learn the art of grinding rocks into fine powder to create a unique Earth watercolour palette. This simple and meditative practice not only nurtures creativity but also promotes ecological ways of creating Earth-inspired artwork.

Yasmin is a writer, public speaker and creative. Through her work she aims to stimulate thought and conversation about ways of living more reciprocally on the planet.

Through her words, art, photography and podcasting, she aims to stimulate U[conversation about ways of living more reciprocally on the planet, and inspire a shift towards a more informed and connecting way of being.

Reclaiming the conversation about life, death and dying • Ruth Sidgwick

Ruth Sidgwick

'Just as talking about sex doesn't make you pregnant, talking about death doesn't kill you.' &emdash; Jon Underwood

You are invited to participate in the Resurgence Summer Camp Death Café. Since 2011, more than 15,000 Death Cafes have been held across 83 countries. The lovely Jon Underwood and Sue Barsky Reid developed the idea in the UK, 'to increase awareness of death with a view to helping people make the most of their lives'.

The Summer Camp Death Cafe will be a safe space in which to share questions, ideas and even anxieties around death and dying - thoughts we may have been secretly harbouring but haven't had the chance to air before. It is an opportunity to express our fears, to listen to others' experiences and to share discussion around the one certainty we all have in our lives - that it is finite!

Whilst a Death Cafe is not a bereavement group, it can be a time to think and talk more freely about one of society's greatest taboos.

Ruth Sidgwick has been a funeral director with Bristol's progressive all-women team at Divine Ceremony since June 2023. Previously she worked as a funeral celebrant and comes from three decades working on inclusive arts practice ranging from community drama and dance development to social prescribing and arts, health and wellbeing programmes for NHS staff and patients.

Stitching With Nature Workshop • Katerina Knight

Katerina Knight

Join Katerina in the meditative act of slow stitching, working together with nature, to create a communal piece of art, marking the Resurgence Summer Camp 2024 - a tree of embroidered leaves.

With a series of hand stitch techniques, and working with fallen, foraged leaves, each participant will produce a personal embroidered leaf to hang together on the communal 'tree'. This drop-in workshop is suitable for all, from those who have never used a needle and thread, to experienced stitchers.

Katerina Knight is an English textile artist based in Malvern, Worcestershire. Specialising in one-of-a-kind textile artefacts. Katerina works with homegrown and locally foraged organic materials, in combination with slow, intricate hand processes of stitch, needle lace and natural dye. Connecting ecology with craft, Katerina invites dialogues of healing and spirituality to be shared through slow textile making.

Katerina trained at The Glasgow School of Art and the Royal College of Art London as a Burberry Design Scholar. Katerina is a published writer, contributing to publications such as; Embroidery Magazine and Selvedge Magazine, where she works as an Editorial Assistant. Katerina is also a lecturer on BA Textiles at Hereford College of Art.


Writing with Nature • Susan Clark

Susan Clark

A quietly intimate writing workshop which is a curated invitation to first connect with and then co-write with Nature, including the Ancestors of this land. We will go out (in silence) and see who wants to speak to us before coming back to create a space for downloads (via a simple breath practice) and then write what is being offered/communicated through these sacred channels.

Deep Listening is a skill we can best hone when we switch off the mind and settle down into the body which is always ready for relationship with whatever is in the field - the seen and the felt. So, we will be listening to the body, after our walk, to discover what is being said and exchanged, what wants to be felt and written down. There will be time built-in for sharings and feedback from the group, for those who want to hear their words spoken aloud.

Susan Clark is the editor of Resurgence & Ecologist magazine. She has spent over a decade working in the charity or campaigning sector and before that worked for multiple mainstream media titles in the UK as a writer, reporter, researcher, journalist and senior editor, both on and offline. Susan is the author of some 30 non-fiction titles. She is also an Integrated Yoga teacher (Kundalini, Transpersonal, Yin and Subtle).

Voice Workshop • William & Awantika

Voice Workshop - William and Awantika

William Tooby is a founding director of The Fold CIC. He is an eco-facilitator and a voice coach passionate about singing raga. Originally drawn to India to better understand music in the seventies before becoming an organic farmer, he went on to sing a cappella with various groups before focusing on raga. He loves to facilitate others in finding their own unique and embodied voice.

Awantika sings Classical Indian Ragas, Semi-Classical and Bundeli folk songs of which she has collected some 2000 from around her home town of Khajuraho. She is an exceptional Kathak dancer. She won the University Youth Festival of Indian Classical Vocal competition and regularly sings on All India Radio. She sensitively combines song and dance and is inspired by nature. She founded the 'Awantika Arts Centre for Music and Dance' in Khajuraho where she trains local and international students. Awantika composes, performs and directs internationally.

Please wear loose comfortable clothes.

Open Space Sessions

Open Space is an opportunity to work together with whatever comes up from our weekend. You can choose to offer sessions or to attend sessions, which can be on something you are passionate about (for instance Extinction Rebellion or the role out of 5G), or perhaps a continuation of a talk or workshop that people would like to explore further. If you have something that you would like to share, come along and participate in an interactive session. If there's something you'd really like to know about, you can suggest a topic and see what emerges.

Open Mic around the Fire

Open Mic around the Fire

The open mic around the fire returns this year. This is your chance to share a song, dance, sing, or perform solo or with friends. Bring instruments, a poem, a song and join in the entertainment.


If you are bringing your own tent, there is no extra charge.

Onsite accommodation in bell tents and standard tents is provided by Green & Away. A limited number of campervan pitches are available. Accommodation and campervan pitches can be booked online with Green & Away. Details of how to book accommodation will be sent out when you buy a ticket to the Summer Camp.



The delicious food is lovingly prepared using the quality, local where possible, mostly-organic ingredients and served by the lovely volunteers at Green & Away. The ticket prices include all meals (breakfast, lunch and dinner).

The food will be vegetarian. Green & Away can also provide vegan meals, and cater for allergies/intolerances, such as gluten, so long as at least 2 weeks' notice is given. If you are booking less than 2 weeks before the event starts, Green & Away may not be able to cater for dietary intolerances other than gluten. If you have other dietary preferences, Green & Away respectfully ask that you bring supplementary food with you.

Refund Policy

Requests made prior to 01 Jun 2024 will be considered at our discretion and will be subject to a £10 admin charge. After this date, refunds will only be made if the event is full and we are able to reallocate the space.

For more information email: [email protected]

The Resurgence Summer camp is a fundraising event for The Resurgence Trust, an educational charity registered in England and Wales, Charity number: 1120414.

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The Resurgence Trust is a company limited by guarantee registered in England and Wales (5821436) and a charity registered in England and Wales (1120414). The Resurgence Trust publishes Resurgence & Ecologist magazine,, and to promote ecological sustainability, social justice and spiritual values.

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