Author Profile: Rachel Marsh

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Listening to an-other &

Issue 345 • July/August 2024 • Ocean Glories > Art and Culture

Joining poet Suzannah V. Evans to listen to the beings under the sea

Poetry: Shifting sands &

Issue 344 • May/June 2024 • Threshold Places > Art and Culture

Our poetry editors explore the thresholds between poetry and other forms of writing

Poetry: Polyphony &

Issue 343 • March/April 2024 • When We Speak > Art and Culture

Celebrating the interplay between multiple female voices

Poetry: Quiet Wildfires &

Issue 342 • January/February 2024 • Hope and Enchantment > Art and Culture

Introducing the work of eco-poet Astra Papachristodoulou

Streets Ahead

Issue 335 • November/December 2022 • Positive Energy > Positive Action

Reporting on an innovative new solar project

The Power of Reimagination

Issue 322 • September/October 2020 • Lessons for the Future > Reviews

Review of From What If to What Next: Podcast

Man-made Crisis, Feminist Solutions

Issue 319 • March/April 2020 • Give and Take > Reviews

Review of Mothers of Invention: a podcast by Mary Robinson

Impossible Is Not a Fact: It is an Attitude

Issue 316 • September/October 2019 • Listen Up! > Reviews

Review of Podcast review: Outrage and Optimism

The Power of Vulnerability

Issue 315 • July/August 2019 • Leading the Field > Reviews

Review of The Bright Sessions

Happiness . . . it's a Gut Feeling

Issue 314 • May/June 2019 • Pathways > Reviews

Review of A review of the ‘All Hail Kale’ podcast

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The Resurgence Trust is a company limited by guarantee registered in England and Wales (5821436) and a charity registered in England and Wales (1120414). The Resurgence Trust publishes Resurgence & Ecologist magazine,, and to promote ecological sustainability, social justice and spiritual values.

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