Author Profile: Kate Blincoe

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Dancing in the Rain

Issue 345 • July/August 2024 • Ocean Glories > Reviews

Review of In All Weathers: A Journey through Rain, Fog, Wind, Ice and Everything in Between

Freedom in the saddle

Issue 344 • May/June 2024 • Threshold Places > Wisdom and Wellbeing

Reflections on how horse riding can open up new horizons for women

A seasonal thread of natural connections

Issue 344 • May/June 2024 • Threshold Places > Reviews

Review of The Wild Remedy Journal: Finding Wellness in Nature

Since the Great Frost

Issue 342 • January/February 2024 • Hope and Enchantment > Reviews

Review of Nature Tales for Winter Nights

Holistic Gardening

Issue 340 • September/October 2023 • Nature Positive Impact > Reviews

Review of The Seasoned Gardener: Exploring the Rhythm of the Gardening Year

Writing as respite

Issue 339 • July/August 2023 • Finding Kinship > Kinship

Exploring the powerful link between caring and writing

Honest, powerful and raw

Issue 338 • May/June 2023 • Call of the Wild > Reviews

Review of Twelve Moons: A Year Under a Shared Sky

Nurturing With Nature

Issue 337 • March/April 2023 • Love is a verb > Reviews

Review of The Wheel of the Year: Your Nurturing Guide to Discovering Nature's Seasons and Cycles

A Golden Thread of Community

Issue 335 • November/December 2022 • Positive Energy > Reviews

Review of Thunderstone: A True Story of Losing One Home and Discovering Another and Riding Out: A Journey of Love, Loss and New Beginnings

A Love Song to Madagascar

Issue 333 • July/August 2022 • What's in a Word > Reviews

Review of The Sloth Lemur's Song: Madagascar from the Deep Past to the Uncertain Present

The Softer Approach

Issue 331 • March/April 2022 • Making Change > Craft

From climate scientist to yarn producer

A Year in Microseasons

Issue 330 • January/February 2022 • The Future in Our Hands > Reviews

Review of Light Rains Sometimes Fall: A British Year Through Japan's 72 Seasons

Up Close and Personal

Issue 328 • September/October 2021 • Tipping point > Reviews

Review of The Eternal Season: Ghosts of Summers Past, Present and Future, and Gifts of Gravity and Light: A Nature Almanac for the 21st Century

Small, Wonderful World

Issue 326 • May/June 2021 • Building Back Hope > Reviews

Review of A Still Life: A Memoir

Seeds of Resilience

Issue 325 • March/April 2021 • Watershed Moment > Reviews

Review of A Small Farm Future: Making the Case for a Society Built Around Local Economies, Self-Provisioning, Agriculutural Diversity and a Shared Earth

The Last Word

Issue 324 • January/February 2021 • Resilience > Reviews

Review of Fifty Words for Snow

Night Sky - Into The Night

Issue 323 • November/December 2020 • Life in the Dark > Undercurrents > Night Sky

Finding connection in the dark

A Quest for Darkness

Issue 321 • July/August 2020 • Recovery Time > Reviews

Review of Under the Stars: A Journey into Light

A State of Good Repair

Issue 320 • May/June 2020 • Stubborn Optimism > Ecologist

We can restore even the most broken ecosystems

Essence of Fox

Issue 320 • May/June 2020 • Stubborn Optimism > Reviews

Review of The Hidden World of the Fox

Going Native

Issue 318 • January/February 2020 • A Lot on Our Plates > Reviews

Review of Invasive Aliens: The Plants and Animals From Over There That Are Over Here

Degrowth - Travels With A Donkey

Issue 317 • November/December 2019 • Where Do We Grow From Here? > Undercurrents > Degrowth

We can learn so much from going slowly

Smashing the Museum Glass

Issue 316 • September/October 2019 • Listen Up! > Reviews

Review of Extraordinary Insects: Weird. Wonderful. Indispensable. The Ones Who Run Our World

Nature's Parents

Issue 314 • May/June 2019 • Pathways > Ethical Living

Parenting in the wild

Breath of Life

Issue 313 • March/April 2019 • Regeneration > Ethical Living

Caring for a hedgehog in distress

Born to Be Wild

Issue 312 • January/February 2019 • Courage > Ecologist

Nature watching at a seal rookery

Between the Crosses

Issue 311 • November/December 2018 • All Is One > Ecologist

Sowing seeds for the future

The Light of Dark

Issue 310 • September/October 2018 • Inspired to Action > Ecologist

A night out with bats and constellations for company

How To Be A Good Forager

Issue 309 • July/August 2018 • The Food Issue > Ecologist

The pleasures of gathering wild food

The Long, Aduous Journey of the Migrant

Issue 308 • May/June 2018 • Working Together > Ecologist

Welcoming back a bird unfairly bedevilled by its behaviour

The Telling Sound of Spring

Issue 307 • March/April 2018 • A Song for Spring > Ecologist

Listening to the song of the skylark

Mistletoe and Other Parasites

Issue 306 • January/February 2018 • The Way of the Garden > Ecologist

Not all bloodsuckers are bad for your health

Coming Together In the Hood

Issue 305 • November/December 2017 • Light in Dark Days > Ecologist

Inspired by like-minded molluscs

All Sett For An Encounter

Issue 304 • September/October 2017 • Together We Are Stronger > Ecologist

Badger watching expedition

A Haunting Hunter

Issue 303 • July/August 2017 • The Pilgrim's Path > Ecologist

A breathtaking encounter

From Weeds to Wonder

Issue 302 • May/June 2017 • Real Wealth > Ecologist

Reflecting on weeds and landscape

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The Resurgence Trust is a company limited by guarantee registered in England and Wales (5821436) and a charity registered in England and Wales (1120414). The Resurgence Trust publishes Resurgence & Ecologist magazine,, and to promote ecological sustainability, social justice and spiritual values.

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