Author Profile: Susan Clark

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Last chance saloon…

Issue 345 • July/August 2024 • Ocean Glories > Welcome

The time to step up and act is now

Resurgence Ripples

Issue 345 • July/August 2024 • Ocean Glories > Regulars

News from our community - inspiring people to take positive action

Making Waves

Issue 345 • July/August 2024 • Ocean Glories > Ocean Glories

Some ways we can get involved to take better care of our ocean

The courage to change

Issue 344 • May/June 2024 • Threshold Places > Welcome

Navigating threshold places often calls for shared beliefs and deep trust

News from our Community

Issue 344 • May/June 2024 • Threshold Places > Regulars

Resurgence Ripples - a celebration of positive action

When We Speak – welcome

Issue 343 • March/April 2024 • When We Speak > Welcome

Finding your voice, however big or small, is always the precursor of meaningful change

News from the Resurgence Community

Issue 343 • March/April 2024 • When We Speak > Regulars

Resurgence Ripples - a celebration of positive action

When We Speak – introduction

Issue 343 • March/April 2024 • When We Speak > When We Speak

A celebration of women finding their voice, wisdom and courage to speak out


Issue 343 • March/April 2024 • When We Speak > Art and Culture

In her work Sámi visual artist Outi Pieski explores the sacred relationship between her art and her ancestral land

Once Upon A Time

Issue 342 • January/February 2024 • Hope and Enchantment > Welcome

Tales with a message of hope, enchantment and purpose

News from the Resurgence Community

Issue 342 • January/February 2024 • Hope and Enchantment > Community

Resurgence Ripples - a celebration of positive action

Waiting in the field

Issue 341 • November/December 2023 • Navigating Climate Anxiety > Welcome

Navigating the thorny topic of climate anxiety and exploring solutions

Community - News from the Resurgence Community

Issue 341 • November/December 2023 • Navigating Climate Anxiety > Regulars > Community

Resurgence Ripples - a celebration of positive action

A smorgasbord of new (and old) ideas

Issue 340 • September/October 2023 • Nature Positive Impact > Welcome

Community - News from the Resurgence Community

Issue 340 • September/October 2023 • Nature Positive Impact > Regulars > Community

Resurgence Ripples - a celebration of positive action

The one thing we all share…

Issue 339 • July/August 2023 • Finding Kinship > Welcome

Finding new ways to prioritise kinship 

Community - News from the Resurgence Community

Issue 339 • July/August 2023 • Finding Kinship > Regulars > Community

Resurgence Ripples - a celebration of positive action

Jerry Mander

Issue 339 • July/August 2023 • Finding Kinship > Ecologist


The rebel gardener

Issue 339 • July/August 2023 • Finding Kinship > Wisdom and Wellbeing

Alessandro Vitale - aka Spicy Moustache - on how growing what he eats and wasting nothing connects him to nature

The Story of this issue

Issue 338 • May/June 2023 • Call of the Wild > Welcome

An invitation to ask: what does wild mean to you?

Community - News from the Resurgence Community

Issue 338 • May/June 2023 • Call of the Wild > Regulars > Community

Introducing Resurgence Ripples

The age of loneliness

Issue 338 • May/June 2023 • Call of the Wild > Call of the Wild

An interview with artist and photographer Jim Naughten

If you love something, you take care of it

Issue 337 • March/April 2023 • Love is a verb > Welcome

Exploring all the ways love as an action can manifest


Issue 336 • January/February 2023 • Immersion > Welcome

An invitation to immerse ourselves in Nature

Community - News from the Resurgence Community

Issue 336 • January/February 2023 • Immersion > Regulars > Community

Award winning project and grateful thanks

Immersed in Walking

Issue 336 • January/February 2023 • Immersion > Immersion

Walking for protests or pleasure is always an invitation to immerse ourselves in Nature

Sourdough - but oh, so sweet

Issue 288 • January/February 2015 • Power to the People > Ethical Living

A recipe for making sourdough bread

Sweet Chestnuts, Sweet Memories

Issue 287 • November/December 2014 • The Future We Want and the One We Can't Afford > Ethical Living

This Christmas, one meal will hold special significance for Susan Clark

Blackberry Bonanza

Issue 286 • September/October 2014 • Politics of Peace > Ethical Living

Happy memories of autumnal foraging captured in a bowl of blackberry granola

Textures of Golden Gorse

Issue 285 • July/August 2014 • Energy of Nations > Ethical Living

Golden gorse petal scented ice cream

Wild Garlic

Issue 284 • May/June 2014 • Ecological Feminism > Ethical Living

Cooking with hedgerow plants

The Art of Dainty Cakes

Issue 283 • March/April 2014 • Small is the New Big > Ethical Living

Celebrate spring with mini primrose cakes

Last Plant Standing

Issue 282 • January/February 2014 • Benevolent Universe > Ethical Living

Cooking up a winter botanical feast

Spiced Juniper Berry

Issue 281 • November/December 2013 • Protecting the Countryside > Ethical Living

A spicy mulling syrup from the berries of the juniper tree

The Perfect Marriage

Issue 280 • September/October 2013 • A Green Manifesto > Ethical Living

Recipe for delicious hawthorn and apple jam

Class, Poverty and Climate Change

Issue 280 • September/October 2013 • A Green Manifesto > Reviews

Review of Flight Behaviour

Summer Dreams

Issue 279 • July/August 2013 • The Ecozoic Era > Ethical Living

The art of botanical cooking

Article - Different Voices

Issue 278 • May/June 2013 • Natural Wealth > Web Exclusives > Article

Introducing the winners of the 2013 Resurgence & Ecologist Nature Writing Competition

What We're Really Up Against

Issue 276 • January/February 2013 • The Tipping Point > Ecologist

Far from gloomy predictions of dwindling reserves, the oil industry is booming

Resurgence and Ecologist

Issue 274 • September/October 2012 • A Shared Agenda > Ecologist

Setting the environmental agenda


Issue 274 • September/October 2012 • A Shared Agenda > Ecologist

Activism news

Members' Page - Nature Writing Competition

Issue 274 • September/October 2012 • A Shared Agenda > Regulars > Members' Page

Launching the Resurgence Nature Writing essay competition

Waste Not, Want Not

Issue 272 • May/June 2012 • Catalysts For Change > Undercurrents

Exploring the role of waste in creating positive change

Rebecca Jewell

Issue 269 • November/December 2011 • Wellbeing > The Arts

Rebecca Jewell's solo exhibition at the Rebecca Hossack Gallery

Family Passions

Issue 269 • November/December 2011 • Wellbeing > The Arts

The Art of Andrew and Briony Lawson

The Happy Buddha

Issue 269 • November/December 2011 • Wellbeing > Reviews

Review of Happiness and How it Happens: Finding Contentment Through Mindfulness

Maverick Leadership

Issue 264 • January/February 2011 • Leadership > Leadership

Eden Founder Tim Smit on the need for a new, radical leadership

Craftivism: Photofeature &

Issue 263 • November/December 2010 • Apostles of Beauty > The Arts

From politics to peacemaking, craft has always been about more than creating beauty

Paul Gauguin

Issue 262 • September/October 2010 • Embodied Wisdom > The Arts

Tate Modern presents Gauguin: Maker of Myth.

Health Warning

Issue 261 • July/August 2010 • Sustaining Life > Health

How climate change will impact on human health.

Casting a Spell

Issue 260 • May/June 2010 • On Being Human > The Arts

The Mythic Garden is an expression of the garden as an art form.

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The Resurgence Trust is a company limited by guarantee registered in England and Wales (5821436) and a charity registered in England and Wales (1120414). The Resurgence Trust publishes Resurgence & Ecologist magazine,, and to promote ecological sustainability, social justice and spiritual values.

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