Satish Kumar Meditations

Our invitation to a free meditation

Join world-renowned peace pilgrim, lifelong activist and former monk Satish Kumar for this free meditation that is open to all.

Satish is loved for his deep wisdom, joy and optimism, and for his radiant heart. His words and powerful presence have been transforming lives and inspiring global change for over 50 years. Join him on the morning of Monday 4 September 2023 for what will be a profound and beautiful guided meditation.

Sign up for a free meditation with Satish

Receive access to this live meditation and the recording after the event. You will also receive ongoing hope and inspiration from The Resurgence Trust, the environmental charity founded by Satish.

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Future Meditations

This open-to-all event is the first of Satish's monthly morning meditations. Future meditations will be offered exclusively to members of The Resurgence Trust, who will receive more details about this new membership benefit soon.

More about Satish

When he was nine years old, Satish renounced the world and became a wandering Jain monk in India. At the age of 18, inspired by Mahatma Gandhi, he decided that he could achieve more back in the world and soon undertook a peace pilgrimage, walking without money from India to America for the cause of nuclear disarmament.

Now in his late eighties, Satish has devoted his life to campaigning for ecological regeneration, social justice and spiritual fulfilment. His life continues to be in service to 'Soil, Soul, Society'.

An acclaimed international speaker, Satish appears regularly on podcasts and radio and television shows. He has been interviewed by Annie Lennox, Russell Brand and Richard Dawkins, and has been a guest on Radio 4's Desert Island Discs.

He has written many inspiring books on spirituality, pilgrimage and education. His autobiography, No Destination, has sold over 50,000 copies and has inspired change around the world. Through his writing, teaching and international talks, he passionately shares visions of the more beautiful world our hearts know is possible.

Satish co-founded Schumacher College in Devon, and founded The Resurgence Trust, an educational charity that seeks to inform and inspire a more regenerative future for all. He was the editor of the Trust's change-making magazine, Resurgence & Ecologist (formerly Resurgence), for over 40 years. Now editor emeritus at Resurgence, he continues to write and share his wisdom in every issue.

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The Resurgence Trust is a company limited by guarantee registered in England and Wales (5821436) and a charity registered in England and Wales (1120414). The Resurgence Trust publishes Resurgence & Ecologist magazine,, and to promote ecological sustainability, social justice and spiritual values.

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