Author Profile: India Bourke

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Rebalancing the role of the wolf

Issue 345 • July/August 2024 • Ocean Glories > Reviews

Review of Hunt for the Shadow Wolf: The Lost History of Wolves in Britain and the Myths and Stories that Surround them

Don't Judge a Sheep by its Flock

Issue 343 • March/April 2024 • When We Speak > Reviews

Review of The Wisdom of Sheep & Other Animals: Observations from a Family Farm

The Connections that Kill and that Cure

Issue 342 • January/February 2024 • Hope and Enchantment > Reviews

Review of Fevered Planet: How Diseases Emerge When We Harm Nature

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The Resurgence Trust is a company limited by guarantee registered in England and Wales (5821436) and a charity registered in England and Wales (1120414). The Resurgence Trust publishes Resurgence & Ecologist magazine,, and to promote ecological sustainability, social justice and spiritual values.

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