Author Profile: Adam Weymouth

All Articles

R is for realism

Issue 345 • July/August 2024 • Ocean Glories > Reviews

Review of H is for Hope

The Legacy of Oil

Issue 342 • January/February 2024 • Hope and Enchantment > Reviews

Review of Fire Weather: A True Story from a Hotter World

Finding the Wonder

Issue 340 • September/October 2023 • Nature Positive Impact > Reviews

Review of The Jay, the Beech and the Limpetshell: Finding Wild Things with My Kids

The dignity of traditional herding

Issue 338 • May/June 2023 • Call of the Wild > Reviews

Review of Hoofprints on the Land: How Traditional Herding and Grazing Can Restore the Soil and Bring Animal Agriculture Back in Balance with the Earth

The Ties That Bind

Issue 337 • March/April 2023 • Love is a verb > Reviews

Review of Landscapes of Silence: From Childhood to the Arctic

Fish Out of Water

Issue 334 • September/October 2022 • Trouble Brewing > Reviews

Review of Riverwoods: documentary film

Fascism and Climate Crisis

Issue 333 • July/August 2022 • What's in a Word > Reviews

Review of The Rise of Ecofascism: Climate Change and the Far Right

Telling Time

Issue 331 • March/April 2022 • Making Change > Reviews

Review of The Fairy Tellers: A Journey into the Secret History of Fairy Tales

Beginning, Middle - and End?

Issue 329 • November/December 2021 • Living Cities > Reviews

Review of Our Biggest Experiment: A History of the Climate Crisis

Talking Trees

Issue 327 • July/August 2021 • Small is Beautiful > Reviews

Review of Finding the Mother Tree: Uncovering the Wisdom and Intelligence of the Forest

H is For Humanity

Issue 325 • March/April 2021 • Watershed Moment > Reviews

Review of Vesper Flights

Kindness and Coronavirus

Issue 324 • January/February 2021 • Resilience > Wisdom and Wellbeing

We can't allow the pandemic to break the circle of hospitality

Taking Back The Land

Issue 323 • November/December 2020 • Life in the Dark > Reviews

Review of The Book of Trespass: Crossing the Lines That Divide Us

Reshaping The World

Issue 320 • May/June 2020 • Stubborn Optimism > Reviews

Review of This Land is Our Land

The Bond of Memory

Issue 317 • November/December 2019 • Where Do We Grow From Here? > Reviews

Review of Surfacing

The Lost Kingdom

Issue 314 • May/June 2019 • Pathways > Ecologist

Following the route of king salmon down the Yukon

Social Justice Must Accompany Action on Climate Change

Issue 295 • March/April 2016 • Walking Back to Happiness > Frontline

Outside of the diplomatic circles at COP21, NGO's called for political change

A Primer For Activism

Issue 294 • January/February 2016 • A Food Renaissance > Reviews

Review of Spiritual Activism: Leadership as Service

Toxic Legacies

Issue 292 • September/October 2015 • Lines of Hope > Reviews

Review of Toms River

Call of the Wild, Cry of the Wolf

Issue 291 • July/August 2015 • Climate: It is a moral issue > Ecologist

Scotland's rewilding controversy

On Trial: A Way of Life

Issue 288 • January/February 2015 • Power to the People > Ethical Living

A community fighting against climate change in Alaska

Churches Turn Up the Heat on the Climate Changers

Issue 287 • November/December 2014 • The Future We Want and the One We Can't Afford > Ecologist

Faith groups are choosing to take their investment away from fossil fuel companies

The Pilgrim's Way

Issue 275 • November/December 2012 • Pricing Nature > Ethical Living

Walking the Mary/Michael Pilgrim's Way

Article - The Lessons of Pilgrimage

Issue 269 • November/December 2011 • Wellbeing > Web Exclusives > Article

Coming back is the most important part of a journey

Slow Travel - The Kindness of Strangers

Issue 262 • September/October 2010 • Embodied Wisdom > Regulars > Slow Travel

Discovering the true meaning of hospitality.

Where Spirit Lies

Issue 253 • March/April 2009 • Economics of Place > Undercurrents

Challenging the status quo creates space for new culture to be born.

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The Resurgence Trust is a company limited by guarantee registered in England and Wales (5821436) and a charity registered in England and Wales (1120414). The Resurgence Trust publishes Resurgence & Ecologist magazine,, and to promote ecological sustainability, social justice and spiritual values.

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