Author Profile: Satish Kumar

All Articles

The meaning of love

Issue 345 • July/August 2024 • Ocean Glories > Wisdom and Wellbeing

Offering a very personal manifesto and promise of love

Art as a way of being

Issue 344 • May/June 2024 • Threshold Places > Art and Culture

Discovering the joy of life-affirming qualities of art outdoors as he explores a collaborative street art project in New Delhi

Needs, Not Greed!

Issue 342 • January/February 2024 • Hope and Enchantment > Wisdom and Wellbeing

Remembering an important lesson that reminds us that all we need is enough

Making Peace with Nature

Issue 341 • November/December 2023 • Navigating Climate Anxiety > Wisdom and Wellbeing

We need to shift our notion of ownership over Nature to relationship with Nature

Ethics and Business

Issue 340 • September/October 2023 • Nature Positive Impact > Nature Positive Impact

Businesses must become more ethical in their treatment of both workers and Nature

Putting Nature Back in Charge

Issue 340 • September/October 2023 • Nature Positive Impact > Reviews

Review of The Book of Wilding: A Practical Guide to Rewilding Big and Small and God is an Octopus: Loss, Love and a Calling to Nature

A new meditation on the land

Issue 339 • July/August 2023 • Finding Kinship > Kinship

We should all be taking care of what matters most

Why economics without ethics is so wrong

Issue 338 • May/June 2023 • Call of the Wild > Connected Life

A tribute to the author of Small is Beautiful which celebrates its 50th anniversary this year

The Alchemy of Love

Issue 337 • March/April 2023 • Love is a verb > Love Is A Verb

We must learn to love those we deem less worthy of our love

Humans Long to Connect

Issue 337 • March/April 2023 • Love is a verb > Reviews

Review of On Belonging: Finding Connection in an Age of Isolation

Nature as a Spiritual Teacher

Issue 336 • January/February 2023 • Immersion > Wisdom and Wellbeing

A conversation between Buddha and his son Rahul

Peace in Ukraine

Issue 335 • November/December 2022 • Positive Energy > Wisdom and Wellbeing

A Swiss solution

Starting A New Chapter

Issue 334 • September/October 2022 • Trouble Brewing > Wisdom and Wellbeing

We need to move on from the story of separation

Idealism Meets Pragmatism

Issue 333 • July/August 2022 • What's in a Word > Wisdom and Wellbeing

Reflecting on 50 years of the environmental movement, with Jonathan Porritt

Prayer for Peace

Issue 332 • May/June 2022 • Power to the Peaceful > Peaceful Protest

A secular peace prayer for people of any faith

We Shall Overcome

Issue 332 • May/June 2022 • Power to the Peaceful > Peaceful Protest

Celebrating the history and impact of nonviolent resistance

Living with Hope in Trying Times

Issue 332 • May/June 2022 • Power to the Peaceful > Wisdom and Wellbeing

An interview with Jane Goodall

Italian Inspiration

Issue 331 • March/April 2022 • Making Change > Wisdom and Wellbeing

Visiting a regenerative farm in Tuscany

Separation is an Illusion

Issue 331 • March/April 2022 • Making Change > Reviews

Review of Dawn of an Era of Well-being

Long Live the Wild

Issue 330 • January/February 2022 • The Future in Our Hands > Rewilding

The wonder of wilding

Three Steps to Change the World

Issue 330 • January/February 2022 • The Future in Our Hands > Wisdom and Wellbeing

Social reforms starts at the grassroots

Article - Faith And Science Towards Cop26

Issue 330 • January/February 2022 • The Future in Our Hands > Web Exclusives > Article

Thoughts on the Vatican conference bringing faith leaders and scientists together

Article - Geoffrey Lee Cooper

Issue 330 • January/February 2022 • The Future in Our Hands > Web Exclusives > Article

Satish Kumar remembers a friend and colleague Geoffrey Lee Cooper, 9 May 1937 – 7 October 2021.

Time to Rebuild

Issue 329 • November/December 2021 • Living Cities > Wisdom and Wellbeing

Cities should not be a block to sustainable living

A Walk on the Wild Side

Issue 328 • September/October 2021 • Tipping point > Wisdom and Wellbeing

Finding connection on Dartmoor

Schumacher Legacy - School for Life

Issue 327 • July/August 2021 • Small is Beautiful > Undercurrents > Schumacher Legacy

Celebrating the 30th anniversary of Schumacher College

Science and Spirituality

Issue 327 • July/August 2021 • Small is Beautiful > Wisdom and Wellbeing

In the face of climate breakdown, we need both

Legacy of Love

Issue 326 • May/June 2021 • Building Back Hope > Wisdom and Wellbeing

Reflections on politics and poetry

Bonding and Belonging

Issue 325 • March/April 2021 • Watershed Moment > Wisdom and Wellbeing

Exploring the landscape of love

Give and Take

Issue 324 • January/February 2021 • Resilience > Wisdom and Wellbeing

Reflecting on the genius of generosity

Protest, Protect, Build

Issue 323 • November/December 2020 • Life in the Dark > Wisdom and Wellbeing

We need a global holistic environmental movement that goes beyond 'isms'

Digital Dictators

Issue 322 • September/October 2020 • Lessons for the Future > Wisdom and Wellbeing

Computers can't teach kindness

Coronavirus: The Voice of the Earth

Issue 321 • July/August 2020 • Recovery Time > Wisdom and Wellbeing

What lessons can we learn from this crisis?

The Politics of Love

Issue 320 • May/June 2020 • Stubborn Optimism > Wisdom and Wellbeing

Recollecting Mahatma Gandhi's philosophy of love for all

Article - Voice of The Earth

Issue 320 • May/June 2020 • Stubborn Optimism > Web Exclusives > Article

Coronavirus maybe the voice of the Earth. What is our response to her? 

Trees Are Our Teachers

Issue 318 • January/February 2020 • A Lot on Our Plates > Wisdom and Wellbeing

Musings on the wisdom of a humble apple seed

Lessons From the Land

Issue 317 • November/December 2019 • Where Do We Grow From Here? > Wisdom and Wellbeing

Schumacher College launches a unique course on Sustainable Horticulture

Stand Up For The Earth

Issue 316 • September/October 2019 • Listen Up! > Ethical Living

Inspired by Greta Thunberg and Extinction Rebellion activists

Land is Life

Issue 315 • July/August 2019 • Leading the Field > Ethical Living

Inspired by two farmers working in Transylvania

Activism is a Journey

Issue 314 • May/June 2019 • Pathways > Ethical Living

A much-needed dose of optimism

Review - To teach well, we must learn from each other 

Issue 314 • May/June 2019 • Pathways > Web Exclusives > Review

Review of Education for Sustainability through Internationalisation

Elegant Simplicity

Issue 313 • March/April 2019 • Regeneration > Ethical Living

Our age of excess is destroying us, but there is a simple solution

Soil: The Magic Ingredient

Issue 312 • January/February 2019 • Courage > Ethical Living

Radical farming and wholesome food

An Unexpected Life Story

Issue 312 • January/February 2019 • Courage > Reviews

Review of Dear John: The Road to Pelindaba

Article - Letting the Levain do the Work

Issue 312 • January/February 2019 • Courage > Web Exclusives > Article

Satish shares Andy Cato's recipe for 'slow' bread

Tribute to a Hero of Organic Farming

Issue 311 • November/December 2018 • All Is One > Ecologist

Honouring the former director of Greenpeace, Lord Peter Melchett

Parts of the Whole

Issue 311 • November/December 2018 • All Is One > Ethical Living

Embracing spirituality with a scientific mind

A Dream of Ecological Civilisation

Issue 310 • September/October 2018 • Inspired to Action > Ethical Living

A time of change in China

Why Don't We Change?

Issue 310 • September/October 2018 • Inspired to Action > Reviews

Review of What Are You Doing With Your Life?

Earth, Hands, Mouth

Issue 309 • July/August 2018 • The Food Issue > Ethical Living

The value of wholesome food

A New Trinity for Our Time

Issue 308 • May/June 2018 • Working Together > Ethical Living

A holistic view of life embraces nature, humanity and spirituality

The True Meaning of Economy

Issue 307 • March/April 2018 • A Song for Spring > Ethical Living

For a better world we need to reject the illusion of limitless economic growth

The Power of Love

Issue 306 • January/February 2018 • The Way of the Garden > Ethical Living

Extolling the virtues of the 'greatest religion on Earth'

A Deeper Appreciation of Nature

Issue 305 • November/December 2017 • Light in Dark Days > Ethical Living

Reverence is the key to understanding our place in the world

A Taste of Green in the Concrete Jungle

Issue 304 • September/October 2017 • Together We Are Stronger > Ethical Living

For a healthy city, more space should be used to grow food

Storyteller of the Life that Could Be

Issue 303 • July/August 2017 • The Pilgrim's Path > Ethical Living

An interview with Pierre Rabhi, ecologist and visionary

From Nationalism To Glocalism

Issue 302 • May/June 2017 • Real Wealth > Ethical Living

Taking power away from the EU and giving it to global players is not the answer

A Scent of Renewal For the Fragrant Harbour

Issue 301 • March/April 2017 • Manifesto for A Green Mind > Ethical Living

Fresh shoots are emerging amidst the consumerist bustle of Hong Kong

A Nonviolent Fighter For Rights

Issue 301 • March/April 2017 • Manifesto for A Green Mind > Reviews

Review of Action! A Cleric off the Leash

Teacher of Calm Abiding

Issue 300 • January/February 2017 • A Plea for Empathy > Ethical Living

Reflections on a pilgrimage following the route of the Thames

Glass Full of Meaning

Issue 299 • November/December 2016 • Brave New Worlds > Ethical Living

Philip Baldwin and Monica Guggisberg artists in glass

Knowledge Requires Life Experience

Issue 298 • September/October 2016 • Regenerative Cities > Ethical Living

Education should not be all about facts

Dancing Towards the Point of Bliss

Issue 298 • September/October 2016 • Regenerative Cities > The Arts

An interview with Miti Desai, classical Indian dancer, designer and teacher

The Answer Lies In The Soil

Issue 298 • September/October 2016 • Regenerative Cities > Reviews

Review of Who Really Feeds The World? The Failures of Agribusiness and the Promise of Agroecology

Article - Schumacher College at Twenty-Five

Issue 298 • September/October 2016 • Regenerative Cities > Web Exclusives > Article

Celebrating 25 years of the college as a remarkable place of learning

Making Peace With the Planet

Issue 297 • July/August 2016 • Natural Healing > Ethical Living

Exploring the environmental teachings of the Jain religion

War is Hell: We Must Stop It

Issue 296 • May/June 2016 • Days of Hope > Ethical Living

We can enjoy Tolstoy's great story, but we should also heed his message

My Life On The Move

Issue 295 • March/April 2016 • Walking Back to Happiness > Ethical Living

The spirituality of walking

One Earth, One Humanity, One Future

Issue 294 • January/February 2016 • A Food Renaissance > Ethical Living

A new story of unity and radical pluralism

Going With the Flow

Issue 293 • November/December 2015 • Go With the Flow > Ethical Living

Learning from water

Slow, Small and Simple

Issue 292 • September/October 2015 • Lines of Hope > Undercurrents

Keibo Oiwa in conversation with Satish Kumar

Soil Wisdom

Issue 292 • September/October 2015 • Lines of Hope > Ethical Living

The time has come to celebrate the source of life

Small Country, Big Dilemma

Issue 291 • July/August 2015 • Climate: It is a moral issue > Ethical Living

How Bhutan differentiates between livelihood and employment

Radical Love

Issue 290 • May/June 2015 • Becoming Barbarian > Ethical Living

Love sustains humanity

A Passion For Peace

Issue 290 • May/June 2015 • Becoming Barbarian > Reviews

Review of Betrand Russell: A Pacifist At War

Unconditional Empathy

Issue 289 • March/April 2015 • We Need New Stories > Ethical Living

Friendship is the organising principle of life

Small Ideas Big Future

Issue 288 • January/February 2015 • Power to the People > Welcome

Social justice, environment and peace are more important than ever

Music Is My Religion

Issue 288 • January/February 2015 • Power to the People > The Arts

An interview with Amjad Ali Khan, India's master of the sarod

The Economics of Peace

Issue 287 • November/December 2014 • The Future We Want and the One We Can't Afford > Welcome

Wellbeing means rejecting the illusory, consumerist notions of limitless growth

War and Peace

Issue 286 • September/October 2014 • Politics of Peace > Welcome

Freedom from fear is a prerequisite for peace

The Power of Nonviolence

Issue 286 • September/October 2014 • Politics of Peace > Undercurrents

The use of violence to solve human problems is uncivilised

Truth, Goodness and Beauty

Issue 284 • May/June 2014 • Ecological Feminism > Welcome

Introducing the trinity of Truth, Goodness and Beauty

Planetary Wellbeing

Issue 283 • March/April 2014 • Small is the New Big > Welcome

Instead of economic growth we need growth in wellbeing

New Year New Philosophy

Issue 282 • January/February 2014 • Benevolent Universe > Welcome

We must go beyond self-interest and embrace the idea of mutual interest

Benevolent Universe

Issue 282 • January/February 2014 • Benevolent Universe > Keynotes

Creating a green movement that places its trust in benevolence

I Am An Optimist

Issue 281 • November/December 2013 • Protecting the Countryside > Welcome

Optimism empowers whilst pessimism disempowers

To GM or not to GM?

Issue 280 • September/October 2013 • A Green Manifesto > Welcome

Why Nature and farmers will feed the world, not Monsanto and the technocrats

The Ecozoic Era

Issue 279 • July/August 2013 • The Ecozoic Era > Welcome

We are not in the Anthropocene Epoch, but entering into the Ecozoic Era

The Year of Collaboration

Issue 278 • May/June 2013 • Natural Wealth > Welcome

Working together to make a difference

Reaching Out

Issue 277 • March/April 2013 • The Quiet Revolution > Welcome

The time has come to spread the word

Soil, Soul and Society

Issue 277 • March/April 2013 • The Quiet Revolution > Undercurrents

Introducing an eco-philosophy that that will benefit all living beings

The Great Challenge

Issue 276 • January/February 2013 • The Tipping Point > Welcome

Caring for our environment is a moral imperative

What Price Realism?

Issue 276 • January/February 2013 • The Tipping Point > Quotes

Excerpt from an interview with the Guardian's environment editor, John Vidal

The Economy of Nature

Issue 275 • November/December 2012 • Pricing Nature > Welcome

Why not create an economy that is self-renewing, self-managing and self-sustaining?

A Marriage Made in Heaven

Issue 274 • September/October 2012 • A Shared Agenda > Welcome

How Resurgence and the Ecologist finally tied the merger knot

Networking Together for a Better World

Issue 273 • July/August 2012 • Emerging Networks > Welcome

Creating personal, social and cultural wellbeing

Whole Body Prayer

Issue 273 • July/August 2012 • Emerging Networks > Quotes

A poem to embrace life

The Transformative Power of Art

Issue 272 • May/June 2012 • Catalysts For Change > Welcome

David Hockney reminds us what the politicians have forgotten

A Dual Agenda &

Issue 271 • March/April 2012 • Animals: A New Ethics > Welcome

It's time for the environmental movement to embrace the cause of animal rights

Money and Morality

Issue 270 • January/February 2012 • A New Moral Compass > Welcome

True wealth is created by imagination, creativity and skill

Members' Page - What Can You Buy With 15p?

Issue 270 • January/February 2012 • A New Moral Compass > Regulars > Members' Page

Fundraising for The Resurgence Trust

Wellbeing is Our Birthright

Issue 269 • November/December 2011 • Wellbeing > Welcome

Treating crisis as an opportunity for transformation

Members' Page - Letter from the Editor

Issue 269 • November/December 2011 • Wellbeing > Regulars > Members' Page

Let Resurgence be your companion to build a resilient, sustainable and joyful future

A New Paradigm

Issue 268 • September/October 2011 • What Comes Next? > Welcome

Our work must be based in harmony and wholeness

The Story of Schumacher

Issue 267 • July/August 2011 • Once Upon A Time > Welcome

Storytelling inspires imaginative solutions to the challenges we face

The Wisdom of Tagore

Issue 266 • May/June 2011 • Tagore - The Big Vision > Welcome

A tribute to Rabindranath Tagore

A Vision to Serve

Issue 266 • May/June 2011 • Tagore - The Big Vision > Timeless Tagore

Sharing a personal selection of Tagore's transformative poetry

Our Core Values

Issue 265 • March/April 2011 • Intrinsic Values > Welcome

We need to live by intrinsic values

We Are All Leaders

Issue 264 • January/February 2011 • Leadership > Welcome

True leadership is focused on inspiration, motivation and right action

Art in Nature

Issue 264 • January/February 2011 • Leadership > The Arts

Yorkshire Sculpture Park director, Peter Murray, shares his vision of working with art and Nature

The Power of Arts and Crafts

Issue 263 • November/December 2010 • Apostles of Beauty > Welcome

Artists and artisans are alchemists

Members' Page - Letter from Satish Kumar

Issue 263 • November/December 2010 • Apostles of Beauty > Regulars > Members' Page

Celebrate Christmas with Resurgence

Members' Page - Festival of Arts, Crafts and Culture

Issue 263 • November/December 2010 • Apostles of Beauty > Regulars > Members' Page

Tagore Festival at Dartington 2011

Tagore: A People's Poet

Issue 262 • September/October 2010 • Embodied Wisdom > Welcome

A vision of wholeness and Integrity.

People Planet Health

Issue 261 • July/August 2010 • Sustaining Life > Welcome

Healthy people need a healthy planet.

Education for Happiness

Issue 260 • May/June 2010 • On Being Human > Welcome

Education for human wellbeing and planetary sustainability.

Food Beautiful Food

Issue 259 • March/April 2010 • Seeds of Change: The Future of Food > Welcome

Food from trees and vegetarian food grown organically are an ecological imperative.

Satish’s Blog - Avatar: Sowing Seeds of Respect for a Truly Global Community

Issue 258 • January/February 2010 • Liberty > Web Exclusives > Satish’s Blog

Liberty is Natural

Issue 258 • January/February 2010 • Liberty > Welcome

Now is the time to embrace liberty together with equality and fraternity.

Flower Power

Issue 257 • November/December 2009 • Resilience & Climate Change > Welcome

Resilient flowers need resilient fields and forests to flourish.

Trees are the Answer

Issue 257 • November/December 2009 • Resilience & Climate Change > Biocultural Diversity

Let us continue the work started by Wangari Maathai and reforest the entire world, creating right livelihood for all.

Art for Earth's Sake

Issue 257 • November/December 2009 • Resilience & Climate Change > The Arts

We need a paradigm shift from 'ego-art' to 'eco-art'.

Quantum Leap

Issue 256 • September/October 2009 • Exploring Consciousness > Welcome

Consciousness is not merely a philosophical or scientific theory: it is a living reality.

Pilgrims or Tourists?

Issue 255 • July/August 2009 • Sacred Planet > Welcome

The sacred Earth is a gracious host, but are we prepared to be pilgrim guests rather than tourists?

Elegant Simplicity

Issue 254 • May/June 2009 • Elegant Simplicity > Welcome

Our fixation with fashion is a key cause of current world crises.

Satish’s Blog - Should we give up our nukes?

Issue 253 • March/April 2009 • Economics of Place > Web Exclusives > Satish’s Blog

Economics of Place

Issue 253 • March/April 2009 • Economics of Place > Welcome

Economic recovery must be based on ecological and ethical values.

Nature Crunch

Issue 252 • January/February 2009 • Nature Crunch: Redesign, Rethink, Reimagine > Welcome

The credit crunch is an opportunity to redesign our money system.

Focus on Food

Issue 251 • November/December 2008 • Feasting & Fasting: Connecting the Plate and the Planet > Welcome

Food is a microcosm of the macrocosm.

Article - Health Imperative

Issue 251 • November/December 2008 • Feasting & Fasting: Connecting the Plate and the Planet > Web Exclusives > Article

The quality and quantity of food we produce should be in harmony.

Satish’s Blog - To Be An Earth Pilgrim

Issue 250 • September/October 2008 • Indigenous Intelligence: Diverse Solutions for the 21st Century > Web Exclusives > Satish’s Blog

Dance of Diversity

Issue 250 • September/October 2008 • Indigenous Intelligence: Diverse Solutions for the 21st Century > Welcome

Let us celebrate and embrace the wisdom of traditional culture.

Satish’s Blog - Love Rules Supreme

Issue 249 • July/August 2008 • Music for Transformation > Web Exclusives > Satish’s Blog

Satish’s Blog - Resurgence Slow Sunday

Issue 249 • July/August 2008 • Music for Transformation > Web Exclusives > Satish’s Blog

Satish’s Blog - Real Bread

Issue 249 • July/August 2008 • Music for Transformation > Web Exclusives > Satish’s Blog

Satish’s Blog - Bread as a Symbol of Biocultural Diversity

Issue 249 • July/August 2008 • Music for Transformation > Web Exclusives > Satish’s Blog

Satish’s Blog - Reconnect with Tradition: Baking Bread as a Spiritual Act

Issue 249 • July/August 2008 • Music for Transformation > Web Exclusives > Satish’s Blog

Satish’s Blog - Act Locally to Address Global Issues

Issue 249 • July/August 2008 • Music for Transformation > Web Exclusives > Satish’s Blog

Music for Transformation

Issue 249 • July/August 2008 • Music for Transformation > Welcome

Music is the undercurrent to our collective subconsious.

Satish’s Blog - Building Communities

Issue 248 • May/June 2008 • The Money Delusion: In Search of True Wealth > Web Exclusives > Satish’s Blog

Satish’s Blog - Healthy Living

Issue 248 • May/June 2008 • The Money Delusion: In Search of True Wealth > Web Exclusives > Satish’s Blog

Satish’s Blog - Vegetarianism: a nonviolent way of life

Issue 248 • May/June 2008 • The Money Delusion: In Search of True Wealth > Web Exclusives > Satish’s Blog

Satish’s Blog - Art of Living

Issue 248 • May/June 2008 • The Money Delusion: In Search of True Wealth > Web Exclusives > Satish’s Blog

The Money Delusion

Issue 248 • May/June 2008 • The Money Delusion: In Search of True Wealth > Welcome

The true value of wealth.

Fossil Fools

Issue 247 • March/April 2008 • Long Live Biodiversity! > Welcome

The Gandhian Trinity

Issue 246 • January/February 2008 • Gandhi's Gift: The Power Of Nonviolence > Gandhi Anniversary

Gandhi's techniques of Satyagraha - Sarvodaya, Swaraj, Swadeshi - offered a template for ecology, peace and social justice.

Earth I Love

Issue 245 • November/December 2007 • The Moral Economy > The Moral Economy

Nature is the real source of our wealth.


Issue 244 • September/October 2007 • The Green Imperative > Welcome

Ecology and economy.


Issue 243 • July/August 2007 • The Point of Return > Welcome

It is 'cool' to be an optimist.


Issue 242 • May/June 2007 • Do we need God? / Food Futures > Welcome

Do we need God? A response to Richard Dawkins.


Issue 241 • March/April 2007 • Urban Ecology > Welcome

We need to grow food, harvest water and generate energy in our cities.


Issue 240 • January/February 2007 • There is no wealth but life > Welcome

Green Sunday: responding to the climate change crisis by keeping one day a week for the Earth.


Issue 239 • November/December 2006 • A Far Cry from Christmas > Welcome

We have to replace our quantitative consumerism with a qualitative lifestyle.


Issue 238 • September/October 2006 • Celebrating 40 Years of Resurgence > Welcome

Marking forty years of Resurgence.


Issue 237 • July/August 2006 • Reflecting on India > Welcome

Compassion, not fear, should determine our actions.


Issue 236 • May/June 2006 • Animate Earth > Welcome

Human-scale farming methods are the most sustainable, the most compassionate and the most pleasurable.


Issue 235 • March/April 2006 • From Ownership to Relationship > Welcome

We have built a system which turns food and water into commodities to be bought and sold.


Issue 234 • January/February 2006 • Earth, Wealth and Wellbeing > Welcome

Industrial agriculture removes people from the land and disconnects them from the very source of food upon which we all depend.


Issue 233 • November/December 2005 • The Answer is still Peace > Welcome


Issue 232 • September/October 2005 • Nature Knows us - do we know nature? > Welcome


Issue 231 • July/August 2005 • The Four Pillars of Sustainability > Welcome


Issue 230 • May/June 2005 • Inspired Designs > Welcome


Issue 229 • March/April 2005 • The Spiritual Imperative > Welcome


Issue 229 • March/April 2005 • The Spiritual Imperative > Feature Articles

Elegant simplicity is the way to discover spirituality.


Issue 227 • November/December 2004 • Dialogue with Nature > Welcome


Issue 227 • November/December 2004 • Dialogue with Nature > Feature Articles

The route to sustainable development is through the gift of service to the world and the sharing of the Earth's gifts.


Issue 226 • September/October 2004 • Ecoliteracy : Dancing Earth > Welcome


Issue 226 • September/October 2004 • Ecoliteracy : Dancing Earth > Feature Articles

The first principle of a new charter for children is to have schools which are caring communities and not knowledge factories


Issue 225 • July/August 2004 • Seeds of Life > Welcome


Issue 224 • May/June 2004 • The Heat is On > Welcome

Welcome &

Issue 223 • March/April 2004 • Art for Earth's Sake > Welcome


Issue 223 • March/April 2004 • Art for Earth's Sake > Feature Articles

The landscape at night is a huge darkroom.


Issue 223 • March/April 2004 • Art for Earth's Sake > Feature Articles

Pushing the boundaries of art.


Issue 221 • November/December 2003 • Divine Earth > Welcome


Issue 220 • September/October 2003 • Science and Spirituality > Welcome


Issue 219 • July/August 2003 • A time to heal > Welcome


Issue 218 • May/June 2003 • Futility of War > Welcome


Issue 218 • May/June 2003 • Futility of War > Prospects for Peace

A thought for the day.


Issue 217 • March/April 2003 • Myth of Prosperity > Reviews

Review of Straw Dogs


Issue 216 • January/February 2003 • Patterns of Wholeness > Welcome


Issue 216 • January/February 2003 • Patterns of Wholeness > The Arts

The photograms of Susannah Hays.


Issue 215 • November/December 2002 • The Power of Nature > Welcome


Issue 215 • November/December 2002 • The Power of Nature > Reviews

Review of The Art of Looking Sideways


Issue 214 • September/October 2002 • Challenge at Johannesburg > Welcome


Issue 213 • July/August 2002 • Reverential Ecology > Welcome


Issue 213 • July/August 2002 • Reverential Ecology > The Arts

The magical work of Ynez Johnston.


Issue 212 • May/June 2002 • Kamasutra: The Art of Love > Welcome


Issue 212 • May/June 2002 • Kamasutra: The Art of Love > Photo Essay

A meeting with the Karmapa.


Issue 212 • May/June 2002 • Kamasutra: The Art of Love > The Arts

Art is a way of life.


Issue 212 • May/June 2002 • Kamasutra: The Art of Love > Reviews

Review of Where Division Ends


Issue 211 • March/April 2002 • A sense of belonging > Welcome


Issue 211 • March/April 2002 • A sense of belonging > India Diary

The Mahatma's wisdom informs work in India today.


Issue 210 • January/February 2002 • In Adoration of Nature > Welcome


Issue 210 • January/February 2002 • In Adoration of Nature > India Diary


Issue 209 • November/December 2001 • Crafts for Christmas > Welcome


Issue 209 • November/December 2001 • Crafts for Christmas > India Diary

Gujarat keeps faith with Gandhi and crafts.


Issue 209 • November/December 2001 • Crafts for Christmas > Comment

A nonviolent response to terrorism.


Issue 208 • September/October 2001 • Technology: dream or nightmare? > Welcome


Issue 208 • September/October 2001 • Technology: dream or nightmare? > Technology

"When the gods made time, they made plenty of it."


Issue 207 • July/August 2001 • Art Makes Life > Welcome


Issue 207 • July/August 2001 • Art Makes Life > Food

The act of breadmaking connects us to our ecological roots.


Issue 207 • July/August 2001 • Art Makes Life > India Diary

The Jain temples at Mount Abu.


Issue 206 • May/June 2001 • The Earth is all the home we have > Welcome


Issue 206 • May/June 2001 • The Earth is all the home we have > India Diary

India both inspires and disillusions.


Issue 205 • March/April 2001 • Good food and better farming > Welcome


Issue 204 • January/February 2001 • The force of imagination > Welcome


Issue 203 • November/December 2000 • It is a gift to be simple > Welcome


Issue 203 • November/December 2000 • It is a gift to be simple > Feature Articles

We depend on the Earth.


Issue 202 • September/October 2000 • Homage to Gaia > Welcome


Issue 201 • July/August 2000 • Only Connect - Soil, Soul, Society > Welcome


Issue 200 • May/June 2000 • Culture of Compassion > Welcome


Issue 199 • March/April 2000 • You are, therefore I am > Welcome


Issue 198 • January/February 2000 • Nature Millennium > Welcome


Issue 197 • November/December 1999 • Transport > Welcome

Speed is not the solution.


Issue 197 • November/December 1999 • Transport > Timeless Wisdom

We are all acorns. We are all capable of finding mighty oaks within ourselves.


Issue 197 • November/December 1999 • Transport > Reviews

Review of The Post-Corporate World; Life after Capitalism


Issue 196 • September/October 1999 • Myth of Progress > Welcome


Issue 195 • July/August 1999 • Earth Charter > Welcome


Issue 195 • July/August 1999 • Earth Charter > Australia

Diary of a journey to Brisbane, Sydney and Tasmania.


Issue 194 • May/June 1999 • special crafts issue: A Tale of Tapestry > Feature Articles

Crafts enhance creativity, beauty and the imagination.


Issue 193 • March/April 1999 • Deterrence - Nature - Wild > Welcome


Issue 192 • January/February 1999 • The Language of Animals > Welcome


Issue 191 • November/December 1998 • Wildlands Philanthropy > Welcome


Issue 188 • May/June 1998 • The Gene Debate > Reviews

Review of The Mandeer Ayurvedic Cook Book, The Ayurvedic Cookbook and The Book of Bread


Issue 187 • March/April 1998 • Pilgrimage to Tibet > Feature Articles

Three miles above sea level, Tibet is the roof of the world and sacred Mount Kailash is the ladder to Heaven.

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The Resurgence Trust is a company limited by guarantee registered in England and Wales (5821436) and a charity registered in England and Wales (1120414). The Resurgence Trust publishes Resurgence & Ecologist magazine,, and to promote ecological sustainability, social justice and spiritual values.

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