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When We Speak

Issue 343 - March/April 2024

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When We Speak
Issue 343 • March/April 2024

In this issue, we examine the power of not only finding and then using your voice but also the challenges of overcoming the societal programmes designed to keep you quiet. Entitled ‘When we speak’, the whole issue is a celebration of speaking our truth.

We acknowledge International Women’s Day (March 8) with our woman-led theme which includes articles on breaking the ‘Good Little Girl’ programme and ‘Using Plant Allies’ to find your authentic voice. We have an article by the Nepalese founder of a project designed to tackle period poverty and ignorance in her country of birth and we explore the totem of the wise and wilder older woman, asking how we can use the resurgence of energy that follows the transition of menopause for activism.

A contemporary teacher of Kabbalah explains the role of the divine feminine in that faith pathway and in the Slow Read, a contemporary Nature poet shares how she reached a sense of a deeply embodied empathy for Mother Earth once she broke free of the silence shrouding the secret of her own childhood trauma and abuse.

Finally, we have a wonderful in-depth interview with Satish Kumar, who calls for a more united movement for change for the better, regardless of race, gender and our individual circumstances and the chair of the Resurgence Trust, James Sainsbury, shares a rousing call to action — further proof that we will be supported once we do speak out.

Urban Greening: Charlotte Ina Sterland
Acts of Gathering: Charlotte Fraser
A Woman’s Story: Nadia Colburn
Plant Connections: Brigit Anna McNeill
Tackling Period Poverty: Dipisha Bhujel
The Divine Vessel: Mike Bais
The Red Dress: Kirstie Macleod